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Curriculum Enrichment

At Millbrook C P School, Curriculum Enrichment refers to additional activities which enhance our curriculum. This includes visits from relevant members of the public that might relate to a particular topic, wow events in the whole school or individual classes, school visits out of school to the immediate local environment and beyond as well as after school clubs. These additional activities maybe aimed at particular groups of pupils, the whole class or the whole school.

Weekly activities are chronicled in the fortnightly newsletter which all children receive and can be found on this website.  On this page, I want to give you a flavour of some of the enrichment activities we have had in school recently.

Visitors to our School

Samba Workshops

Our Key Stage One children enjoyed Samba workshops as an enhancement to their music curriculum.  Our Key Stage Two children enjoyed visits to The Liverpool Philharmonic. Our music clubs ‘choir’ and ‘young voices’ engaged in a range of performances through the year.


Dental Nurse

The dental nurse visited to talk to the children about health teeth and healthy snacks.  In this picture the children are comparing the sugar content in different drinks.  It was an eye opener for many. These keeping healthy messages are reiterated throughout our curriculum in PSHE, Science and PE lessons.

St Helen’s Rugby

Our school sports partners St Helen’s Rugby Club lead specialist rugby sessions across our school.  The children get to visit the Totally Wicked stadium and see their coaches taking part in rugby matches. A great role model for our pupils.

School Trips

Gillmoss Recycling Centre

A trip to the recycling centre is a regular event in our curriculum.  The children are reminded of the importance of recycling at first hand.  The children follow this up back at school with a particular initiative. Previously, we have collected old batteries for recycling and reduced single-use plastics within school. This ensures our Ready, Respectful and Safe policy includes are environment too.

Martin Mere Wetland Centre

We have had a range of science themed engagement days in our curriculum this year in partnership with the Ogden Trust.  Our KS1 visited Martin Mere, Knowsley Safari Park led workshops in school. We enjoyed a Space themed week and had visits from Salford University, Mad Science and Chemistry With Cabbage.

Rangers Field Trips

We arranged a variety of field trips with our local ranger’s team from Knowsley Green Space.  Classes use our immediate school grounds, the Millennium Green and Mill Dam Park to hone our geography skills such as first-hand observation, measuring, recording and map work.

Year 5 Mini Police Ambassadors on a expedition

Mini Police ambassadors programme focuses on children’s personal development, which helps them be more confident, resilient, independent and develop character. It also helps them to assess and challenge age-appropriate risky situations.  This year hiking expeditions to Moel Famau and Rivington Pike have been added to the programme.

IntoUniversity comes to Kirkby

In Autumn 2023, we began our first year of working with IntoUniversity; a programme of free immersive educational activities and workshops. Our Year 6 children experienced a week studying oceanography promoting communication and teamwork.  You can see our students here graduating at Liverpool University and increasing their knowledge of Higher Education.  Roll on next year.


A wide range of after school clubs complement our curriculum throughout the year.  These include a range of sports such as Cross Country, Athletics, Football, Zumba, Boccia, Multi Sports and Dance.  We also offer Science, Art, Mindfulness, Drama and Young Voices. We have SATs clubs, maths clubs and a choir.  The clubs mostly target a year group or a particular group of children.

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