At Millbrook, we have identified progress milestones across the key stages for the non-core subjects. Teachers use these as a working document that supports their planning through the year and enables them to make teacher judgements about children who have met, not met or exceeded the expected standard for each year group. Where appropriate, children may sometimes be made aware of a specific milestone they are working towards. Milestones are reviewed on a rolling programme, personal development and Spanish are the most recent milestones to be reviewed.
Progress milestones are identified at the planning stage. Teachers note progress towards these milestones in the form of informal annotations. Leaders use the progress milestones when looking at books, talking to children or observing lessons. Each July teachers provide subject leaders with feedback in the form of a record sheet (see below). The subject leader and curriculum leader takes a snapshot of the attainment across all subjects and identifies strengths and areas for development. This information then informs the curriculum development for the coming year.
Assessment of core subjects English, Maths and Science are continuously tracked using our internal tracking system target tracker. Progress and attainment are monitored termly for these subjects. Where appropriate, children are given specific targets to support their progress and teachers regularly feedback to children through our marking policy. This information builds up a detailed picture for each child which enables effective planning, differentiation and specific interventions throughout the year. This process ensures that pupils’ learning is moving forwards, and the teaching is tailored to their needs.