At Millbrook, our Music curriculum aims to nurture confident, resilient, ambitious and knowledgeable musicians.
We have created our Music curriculum using Charanga music school. We provide children with opportunities to compose music using transcription and to experience a wide range of music in order to describe and perform through singing and playing musical instruments. The curriculum enables pupils to experience a vast range of music through a carefully sequenced scheme taking in to account the mixed year group classes.
- Cedar yr 1 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Cherry yr2 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Chestnut 5.6 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Hazel year 4.5 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Holly year 4 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Maple yr3 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Pine r-yr1 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Sycamore yr 6 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
- Willow yr2 Music Curriculum Knowledge and Progression
Younger pupils are able to experience songs, rhymes and chants alongside listening to high quality music. This is built upon, in order to develop their individual creativity and enjoyment through making sounds, leading to playing and performing. Children enjoy a Diddi dance lesson each week during Autumn term, they explore different genres of music and have the opportunity to create movement and dance.
We provide music enrichment opportunities for all children at Millbrook each year. The KS2 children experienced a trip to the Liverpool Philharmonic in 2023. Each class completed a scheme of work linked to the “The Sensational Symphonic Time Machine” and enjoyed a full orchestra concert.
Our year 2 children completed a topic on the composition “Peter and the wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev alongside a new story and composition “Gaspards Foxtrot” by Zeb Soanes. They then attended the Philharmonic to experience the music played by the orchestra alongside the retelling of the stories.
Our EYFS and KS1 children experienced a junk percussion workshop in school. The children enjoyed a workshop with a talented musician who taught them how to create music in different ways. The children then used their new experience to create instruments in class.
Children at Millbrook have the opportunity annually to take part in Young Voices, the largest children’s choir in the world! Mrs Frost runs an after school club where children learn the songs and then they travel to Manchester arena for a concert in which they perform alongside 100s of other schools. This is always popular and the children and their parents have a fantastic experience.
Our school choir sing and perform for the residents of Kirkby at Christmas. They visit the town centre and the local care home, this is a fantastic way in which Millbrook children support the local community and spread some joy and happiness.