Grammar and Punctuation
At Millbrook, we are able to teach grammar and punctuation through our English lessons using Literacy Counts Ready Steady Write. Each unit of work is based on a text with two writing focuses which have grammar focuses linked to word, sentence, the text itself and punctuation. The daily sentence accuracy, in particular, allows our children to learn, understand and apply the grammar and punctuation expected for their year group.
Please see the document below for the progression of grammar and punctuation throughout each core text:
Using the progression document, we have a we follow a tailored curriculum map. You can view a copy of the grammar curriculum map here:
To support our teachers further with the teaching and learning of grammar and punctuation, we have access to Nelson Grammar. Nelson Grammar is a structured grammar teaching programme that is fully in line with the new National Curriculum for England. In addition to Nelson Grammar, we have a subscription to Grammarsaurus.
Both of these initiatives allow our staff to use a variety of resources, for example if the children require further intervention or more discrete teaching of a grammar aspect, staff can use Nelson Grammar or Grammarsaurus to support the learning
The staff also have access to a variety of grammar assessments through Grammarsaurus which can be used for pre-assessment or to assess their children’s learning of specific units.