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Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar and Punctuation

At Millbrook, we deliver focused grammar sessions as well teaching the aspects of SPaG discretely. We use a range of resources to support the teaching and learning of grammar.

At our school, we primarily use Nelson Grammar. Nelson Grammar is a structured grammar teaching programme that is fully in line with the new
National Curriculum for England. A careful spiral progression means that all key grammar and punctuation concepts are introduced, revisited and built on as the course progresses.
Nelson Grammar supports teachers in the formative assessment of grammar through:
• Marking of the work in the Pupil Book, Resource Book and Workbooks each lesson
• Check-ups: short tests which occur on average every half term. These tests re-cap learning from
a range of units to ensure that children are retaining their knowledge.
• Improve Your Writing tasks: short written tasks that help assess how well children can apply
their grammar knowledge in context.
• Practice Papers for Year 2 and Year 6 to familiarise children with the format of the new National
tests. These papers draw on grammar knowledge for the whole key stage.

The programmes of study are available here:

As well as using the Nelson Grammar scheme, at Millbrook, we follow a tailored curriculum map. This is in line with National Curriculum requirements and links to the Nelson Grammar scheme.

You can view a copy of the grammar curriculum map here:

In addition to the above we have a subscription to Grammarsaurus, this allows staff to use a variety of resources linked to Nelson Grammar, for example if the children require further intervention. The staff also have access to a variety of grammar assessments which can be used for pre-assessment or to assess their children’s learning of specific units.

Grammarsaurus provides our staff with WAGOLL examples, model texts written by trained moderators, which are also annotated, and reading comprehension assessments.

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