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Power of Reading

Under review Autumn 2024

Power of Reading

Over the last seven years we have implemented and embedded Power of Reading in our English lessons. After all the staff had attended Literacy Counts moderation, with schools within the Kirkby Collaborative and in school moderation, staff meeting discussions, feedback from fellow Kirkby schools, it has been decided we will be trialling Literacy Counts Ready Steady Write for autumn term one. Throughout the first half term our staff will use the planning and texts from Ready Steady Write, as well as the lesson structure. We will be constantly reviewing the impact through, pupil voice, staff feedback, learning walks and book scrutiny. A decision will be made towards the end of the first term, on how we will move forward for the rest of the year. I will update the website accordingly once the decision has been made.

At Millbrook, we implement The Power of Reading created by CLPE (Centre for Literacy in Primary Education), which is proven professional development programme that supports our staff to evolve a high-quality English curriculum which develops reading comprehension and writing composition, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing.

The Power of Reading puts quality children’s literature at the heart of English learning and enables all the teaching and learning, in English, to be centred around one text either per term or per half term. This allows the children to enjoy reading and be fully immersed into a text. This enables the children to have a deeper understanding of the variety of texts, author’s language, the impact of illustrations and opens the discussion of life experiences. It also supports us in raising engagement and attainment in language, vocabulary, reading and writing.

The Power of Reading, at Millbrook, allows us to emphasise the importance of books and literature in enabling children to become confident, happy and enthusiastic readers and writers, with all the benefits this brings.  This has meant they we have a thorough curriculum map for English, with a focus on not only fiction texts, but we ensure each class has at least one non-fiction focus text and at least one poetry focus text.

Each text has a variety of writing outcomes which allows our children to be exposed to different text types and understand what features they need to include in their own writing.

Due to trialling Literacy Counts Ready Steady Write, we are awaiting to finalise our English Curriculum Map. This will be finalised after the trial, after Autumn Term 1.

Please click the link below to see our texts for Autumn Term 1:
Trial Ready Steady Write Texts

Please click the link below to see our writing expectations which support our assessment in writing.
Y1 Writing Assessment
Y2 Writing Assessment
Y3 Writing Assessment
Y4 Writing Assessment
Y5 Writing Assessment
Y6 Writing Assessment

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