Dear Parents,
The aim of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by the school’s internet resources in a safe and effective manner. Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. Therefore, if the school AUP is not adhered to this privilege will be withdrawn and appropriate sanctions will be imposed. Every child needs to sign and return the AUP below. Please can parents/guardians discuss the main points from the Pupil AUP Agreement (below) with your child and then complete the form acknowledging the agreement and return to school. Thanks for your support.
If you would like a guide to parental controls please click the image below:
Joiners part 2- 15 minute photography challenge.
Click on the links below to view E-Safety videos:
Own It
‘Own It’ is a BBC website for 9 to 12 year olds to help them get the most out of being online. It covers everything from online privacy and avoiding malware to dealing with everyday dilemmas children face online. ‘Own It’ will work with an advisory network of partners to help ensure it covers a wide range of topics and issues affecting children online. Click on the image below to access the website:
The Resource Library enables you to search and view Thinkuknow resources by category and age range. Each resource has a detailed description covering key aims and suggestions for delivery to children and young people.
Jessie & Friends: online safety education for 4-7s
Give your 4-7 year olds the knowledge, skills and confidence to stay safe online with Jessie & Friends, a three-episode animated series and resource pack. You’ll find lesson plans, storybooks and activities designed to be used across a range of settings. Jessie and Friends has been awarded the PSHE Association Quality Mark. Click on the children to access resources.
Parents and carers presentations
National Online Safety Survey
The London Grid for Learning and NSPCC are running a national pupil online safety survey free to all schools. The data will be used to gain a greater understanding of behaviours at a national level and every school participating will get a copy of the results for their school. One of the biggest challenges facing schools is knowing what your children are accessing and when they are accessing it. The data your school could get out of completing this survey could be really useful in informing the school about the current habits of your children and used to inform online safety delivery in your school. While the survey is free to all schools you need to sign up in advance of taking the survey. More information can be found in the link below.
Live Streaming platforms
Use of Live Streaming platforms by children is increasing. Learn how to keep them safe and creative by downloading this resource pack. Click on the image below to access resources.