We MUST work together to ensure our pupils are learning at home. We currently have on approximately 77 critical worker and vulnerable pupils registered for face to face support in school. Staff are teaching face to face as well as providing remote learning so we need your support at home.
All classes will have additional lesson ideas and activities posted on the Class Dojo page so do check this regularly.

Teachers want to see your work so try to send one picture each day to show them what you are doing.

Teachers will not answer messages before 9:00am or after 4:30pm as they will be preparing for the working day. Also, when staff our teaching face to face they will not be able to answer individual queries on Class Dojo. Email school if you have a more urgent request.

Class 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will be providing zoom lessons from next week. Your invite will be on Class Dojo.

Nursery, Class 1 and 2 will post activities on Class Dojo and post video messages to help the children touch base with their teachers.

If you have difficulty accessing Technology, Internet or Data use in your home then please contact school. We have distributed 50 laptops to date and maybe able to offer support.

If you haven’t received a learning pack email me below urgently.

You should email:

We will arrange for your completed learning packs to be returned and the next pack collected in due course please watch out for messages on Class Dojo.