Millbrook have been crowned the Knowsley Tri Golf Champions. We are the proud owners of a new trophy, in our already full cabinet, awarded to Millbrook for winning the Tri Golf Competition. Next steps are the Merseyside Finals. Good luck everyone.
We have participated in a range of footballing leagues and tournaments throughout the year. The girls have led the way this season. They recently finished joint top of the league after a nail-biting 4-3 win. They await a final decision on overall winners. Well done to all!
Class 3 – Class 3 have enjoyed a five week focus on dance. This has been provided by Rebound Dance, a local specialist dance instructor. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their dance lessons.
Class 8 – Class 8 have been introduced to a new sport called Handball. They had a five week course at Kirkby High School which introduced them to this exciting game.
Class 10 – Class 10 have enjoyed a block of gymnastics training over at KHS.
Class 9 and 10 have been enjoying a focus on healthy lifestyles. Representatives from Knowsley NHS have been talking to the children about healthy lifestyles and the children have been learning about healthy choices.