Governor attendance 2022-23
Only governors included in data, not observers
Autumn 2022
Standards and Achievements – 28 September 2022
Mrs R Cooper (Chair of meeting)
Mr P McDermott.
Ms J Dixon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies – Mr S Durrant
Resigned – Mrs C McGarvey
Resources committee -9 November 2022
Mr P McDermott (acting Chair)
Miss C Murphy
Ms J Dixon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies – Mrs R Cooper
Governing Body – 30 November 2023
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr S Durrant (Vice-chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Ms J Dixon
Mr L Williams
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher) resent
Apologies – Miss C Murphy
Spring 2023
Standards and Achievements – 25 January 2023
Mr S Durrant (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Ms J Dixon
Mr L Williams
Mrs J Maloney (headteacher)
Apologies – Mr P McDermott
Resources committee – 8 March 2023
Mr P Mc Dermott (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Miss C Murphy
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies – Ms J Dixon
Governing Body – 29 March 2023
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr S Durrant (Vice-chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Ms J Dixon
Mr L Williams
Mrs A Radcliffe – elected PG 31/1/23
Mr W Leigh – appointed at meeting co-opted governor
Miss S Chadwick – appointed at meeting LA governor
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies – Miss C Murphy
Summer 2023
Standards and Achievements – 3 May 2023
Mr S Durrant (Chair)
Ms J Dixon (Chair for meeting)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr L Williams
Mr W Leigh* (invited to attend committee)
Apologies – Mr P McDermott and Mrs A Radcliffe
Resources committee – 24 May 2023
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr W Leigh
Miss C Chadwick
Mrs J Maloney (headteacher)
Apologies – Miss c Murphy
NB Ms J Dixon no longer a member of committee
Governing Body – 14 June 2023
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Miss S Chadwick
Mr L Williams
Ms J Dixon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies – Mr S Durrant and Mr W Leigh.
Resigned – Mrs A Radcliffe and Miss C Murphy
Governor attendance 2021-22
Standards and Achievement 22 September 2021 – online
Mr S Durrant (chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs C McGarvey
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mrs Williams (Observer/deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from
Mr M Chambers (childcare) and Mr P McDermott.
Resources 10 November 2021 – online
Mr C Winstanley (Chair of meeting)
Mr M Vincent (Observer)
Mr P Mc Dermott
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith* (audio only)
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from
Mrs J Williams (observer/deputy headteacher)
Governing Body – 24 November 2022 – online
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Vincent
Mr M Smith
Mrs C McGarvey
Ms J Dixon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr M Chambers (Observer – term of office had ended)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from
Mr S Durrant and Mr C Winstanley and Mrs J Williams (Observer).
Standards and Achievement – 26 January 2022 – online
Mrs R Cooper (Chair for meeting)
Mr P McDermott
Ms J Dixon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams (Observer – deputy headteacher)
Apologies were received and accepted from
Mr S Durrant (chair). Mrs C McGarvey was not present at the meeting.
Resources – 9 March 2022 – online
Mr M Vincent (Chair)
Mr C Winstanley
Mr P Mc Dermott
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies had been received and accepted from
Mr M Smith and Mrs J Williams (observer/deputy headteacher)
Governing Body – 30 March 2022 – online
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr S Durrant (Vice-chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Ms J Dixon
Mr S Durrant
Mr M Vincent
Mrs C McGarvey
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from
Mr C Winstanley (work commitments) and Mrs J Williams (Observer) (incident in school.)
Meetings returned to the school in summer 2022
Standards and Achievements – 4 May 2022
Mr S Durrant (Chair)
Ms J Dixon
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams (Observer – deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from
Mrs C McGarvey (work commitments) and Mr P McDermott.
Resources committee – 25 May 2022
Mr M Vincent (chair)* – joined meeting online
Mr P Mc Dermott
Mr C Winstanley
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher/observer)
Mrs S Benson (School Business Manager – observer)
Mr M Donnelly (Premises officer – observer)
All governors who were members of the committee attended the meeting.
Governing Body – 15 June 2022
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Ms J Dixon
Mr M Vincent
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher) (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams (Observer – Deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from
Mr S Durrant (Vice-chair) and Mr C Winstanley (family responsibilities) and Mr M Smith.
Mrs C McGarvey was recorded as absent.
The headteacher had arranged for Mr Smith to join the meeting online (technical issues).
Governors Attendance Record 2020 -21
Extraordinary Meeting of the Governing Body including the joint meeting of the Standards and Achievement/Resources committee – 23 September 2020.
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr C Winstanley (Vice Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr P Seddon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher/observer)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Miss D McDermott, Mr M Chambers, Mr M Vincent and Mr S Durrant.
FULL GOVERNING BODY – 25 November 2020
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr M Vincent
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mr S Durrant and Mr C Winstanley.
Mr P Seddon had indicated that he hoped to attend the meeting. He sent apologies during the course of the meeting which were accepted.
Mr S Durrant (Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr P Seddon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser)
Mrs J Williams (Deputy headteacher – observer)
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr P McDermott.
RESOURCES – 3 March 2021
Mrs R Cooper (Chair of meeting)
Mr P McDermott
Mr M Smith
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher/observer)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mr C Winstanley and Mr M Vincent.
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr M Vincent
Mr S Durrant
Mr C Winstanley.
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser – GBA)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher)
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr P Seddon.
Mr S Durrant (Chair)
Mrs R Cooper
Mr P Seddon
Mr P McDermott
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser – GBA)
Mrs J Williams (Deputy headteacher – observer)
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr M Chambers.
RESOURCES – 19 May 2021
Mr M Vincent (Chair of meeting)
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs C McGarvey
Mr M Smith
Mr P McDermott
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser- GBA)
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr C Winstanley (medical appointment).
Apologies were also tendered by the deputy headteacher Mrs J Williams (observer).
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mr S Durrant
Mr C Winstanley
Mrs C McGarvey
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr C Delaney (Governing Body Adviser – GBA)
Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mrs R Cooper (holiday) and Mr M Vincent (work commitments).
Mr M Smith was recorded as absent
Governors Attendance Record 2019 -20
Miss D McDermott(Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr P McDermott
Mrs J Maloney ( Headteacher)
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr P Seddon and Mr S Durrant. (Observer).
Apologies were received from Governor Services (Lancashire).
RESOURCES – 13/11/19
Mr C Winstanley (Chair)
Mr M Vincent
Mrs R Cooper
Mr P McDermott
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mrs J Williams ( observer – deputy headteacher)
Apologies for absence were tendered and accepted from Mr M Smith. (Apologies from Governor Services -Lancashire who could not provide the clerking service for this meeting.)
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Miss D McDermott
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr S Durrant
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mr C Winstanley, Mrs J Williams (observer – deputy headteacher), Mr M Vincent, Mr P Seddon and Governor Services – Lancashire.
Ms D McDermott (Chair)
Mr P McDermott
Mr S Durrant
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Mr M Smith (observer)
Apologies were recorded and accepted from Mr P Seddon.
RESOURCES – 4/3/20
Mr C Winstanley (Chair)
Mr P McDermott
Mr M Vincent
Mrs R Cooper
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and accepted by the governors from Mr M Smith.
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Miss D McDermott
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr S Durrant
Mr M Vincent
Mr C Winstanley
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mr P Seddon who was unable to connect to the meeting. Mrs R Cooper also experienced technical issues and joined during the meeting.
Extraordinary FULL GOVERNING BODY – 8/6/20 (COVID-19)
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Miss D McDermott
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr S Durrant
Mr P Seddon
Mr C Winstanley
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mr M Vincent
FULL GOVERNING BODY – Summer – 17/6/20
Mr P McDermott (Chair)
Mr M Chambers
Mrs R Cooper
Mr M Smith
Mr S Durrant
Mr M Vincent
Mr P Seddon
Mrs J Maloney (Headteacher)
Apologies for absence were received and ACCEPTED from Mrs J Williams (deputy headteacher/observer), Mr C Winstanley and Miss D McDermott.
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2018 – 19
Governor |
Standards & Achievement 26.09.18 |
Full Governors 28.11.18 |
Standards& Achievement 30.01.19 |
Full Governors 27.03.19 |
Standards& Achievement 08.05.19 |
Full Governors 19.06.19 |
Mr Phil Seddon |
√ |
N/A |
√ |
Apologies |
N/A |
Apologies |
√ |
N/A |
Apologies |
Mrs Ruth Cooper |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Mrs Jess Donnelly |
√ |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
√ N/A |
√ |
Mr Mike Chambers |
Apologies |
N/A |
√ |
Apologies |
N/A |
√ |
Apologies |
N/A |
√ |
Mr Craig Winstanley |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
N/A |
Apologies |
√ |
Mr Marc Vincent |
N/A |
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√ |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
√ N/A |
√ |
√ |
Miss Danielle McDermott |
√ |
N/A |
Apologies |
Apologies |
N/A |
Apologies |
Apologies |
N/A |
√ |
Mr Peter McDermot |
N/A |
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√ |
N/A |
Apologies |
Apologies |
N/A |
√ |
√ |
Mr M Smith |
Not appointed |
Not appointed |
√ |
√ N/A |
√ |
√ |
N/A |
√ |
Mrs Jane Maloney |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
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√ |
√ |
Mrs Jude Williams (Observer) |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Apologies |
Apologies |