Teachers: Mrs Collins
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mutch
Nursery times:
Morning Nursery 8:50 – 11:50
Afternoon Nursery 12:15-3:15
We also offer links with our onsite private Nursery ‘Rainbow’ should you require breakfast/after school club or 30 hour provision.
At Millbrook Primary school Nursery we cannot emphasise enough, how much we value your support. You know your child best and we want you to share this rich knowledge you have with us. We are looking forward to building strong partnerships with you in order to enable your child to flourish.
One way in which we aim to achieve this is through the use of the classdojo app. Through class dojo we can build a portfolio of work based upon learning in class and learning at home. By using this app together, we can build a picture of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years of school life. Using photos and videos, teachers and teaching assistants, along with the child’s parents, ‘weaves’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing. Parents are able to view online their child’s progress and how much fun they’re having, whilst also uploading their own comments and media. We display dojo portfolio updates to the children so they can reflect on their own learning and achievements from home by sharing news during the week.
Dojo is also a useful way for you to contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions or need to inform us of anything important happening with your child. We may not reply immediately as we are teaching in class so please do contact the office with anything urgent.
A typical day
A typical day at Millbrook Nursery consists of your child experiencing whole class teaching, small group work and exploring the environment through play. All three of these are planned to be very practical and matched to the child’s developmental needs and interests. We listen to our children to understand their current likes and interests and plan accordingly to them. We will also cover special themes and topic and celebrate significant holidays throughout the year. The indoor and outdoor classroom is divided into areas ie construction, water, role play, painting… and these have resources that are there permanently but are also enhanced with resources each week to cover specific themes. Children have access to indoor and outdoor provision continually throughout the session.
We may also have visits from specialist providers from time to time for things such as PE.
Your child will have access to snack and drinks throughout the morning. Please send your child to school with a water bottle.
Reading in Nursery
We love reading in class and talking about the stories we share. The children will have the opportunity each week to choose a story book from school to take home and share with an adult, they then return their book on a Thursday ready to choose a new one on Friday.
Learning Outdoors in Nursery
We spend lots of time learning outdoors in the Nursery, whatever the weather! Please provide wellies for us to wear and leave in school. Our teacher will give us waterproof coats and trousers to wear, but be warned we may come home dirty, especially during the winter!
Ways to help your child at home
- Read with your child regularly, talk about the story, the characters and the setting… let them turn the pages
- Sing nursery rhymes and action songs
- Promote independence within your daily routine eg. Dressing themselves, using the toilet independently, cleaning up after themselves
- Practice counting to 10 and beyond, count objects and actions
- Engage with class dojo, talk about what your child has been doing in school. Share any achievements or special days through dojo.
Useful documents:
Development Matters: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1180056/DfE_Development_Matters_Report_Sep2023.pdf