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Governor Information

Name Appointment Date End Date Type of Governor Interest Appointed by
Ms S Chadwick 29-MAR-23 28-MAR-27 Local authority Sister of Ms SL Chadwick  Nominated by LA
Mr L Williams 02-NOV-2023 01-NOV-2027 Parent   Elected
Ms SL Chadwick 29-NOV-2023 28-NOV-2027 Parent Sister of Ms S Chadwick Elected
Ms L Adlington 07/05/24 06-MAY-2028 Parent   Elected
Mr W Leigh 29MAR-2023 28MAR- 2027 Co-opted   Co-opted
Mr P McDermott 19-MAR-2018 18-MAR-2026 Co-opted   Co-opted
Mrs R Cooper 01-NOV-2012 31-OCT-2028 Co-opted Rainbow Childcare Manager Co-opted
Mr S Durrant 27-NOV-2019 26-NOV-2027 Co-opted   Co-opted
Ms J Dixon 24-NOV-2021 23-NOV-2025 Staff   Elected
Mrs J Maloney 11-SEPT-2013 Headteacher  
Mrs J Williams 24-SEP-2014 23-SEP-2024 Observer  

The above certify that they have declared all interests which they or any person /firm/ company connected* to them have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with the Company.

*A person is connected to a Governor if they are a child, stepchild, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother, sister or spouse of the Governor or any person living with the Governor as his or her partner.

*A firm or company is connected to a Governor if it is one in which the [Director]/[Governor] is a partner; an employee; a consultant; a director; a member; or a shareholder

The above certify that they have declared all interests which they or any person /firm/ company connected* to them have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with the Company.

*A person is connected to a Governor if they are a child, stepchild, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother, sister or spouse of the Governor or any person living with the Governor as his or her partner.

*A firm or company is connected to a Governor if it is one in which the [Director]/[Governor] is a partner; an employee; a consultant; a director; a member; or a shareholder

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