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Year 3 Maple

Welcome to Maple

Teacher: Miss Trelfa
Teaching Assistant: Miss Staples
1:1 Support: Mrs Rogers and Mrs Woolley

Welcome to Maple Class. We all work extremely hard in Year 3; Maple is a class where children will grow and develop into confident, hard-working individuals ready for their journey as Key Stage 2 children.

Please use Class Dojo to keep up to date with all the wonderful things we will be doing this year. You can also message me on dojo with any questions or queries.  

School Day:
Start Time: 8:50
Finish Time: 3:20

PE Days:
Tuesday- Beth Tweddle Gymnastics
Thursday- PE

Children to come to school in full PE kit on these days only, following the school uniform policy (red top, black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and suitable footwear).

Homework Expectations:

  • Children should read their book each night and record the number of pages read in their planners.
  • Homework will be given out on Tuesdays and is due in the following Monday.
  • TT Rockstars practise will improve times tables understanding massively, leading to greater success in Maths.

Recommended Reading List:

Useful links:

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