Teacher: Mrs Whiley
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Capper
1:1 Support Mrs Carr
After beginning their Key Stage 2 journey in Year 3 and Year 4, we are really going to immerse children in KS2 school life and the exciting challenges it brings.
We will teach students to develop their independence, organisation and time management, continue learning deeply about mathematics, English and develop our reading skills. Our wider curriculum will continue to expand their knowledge and expertise across the national curriculum.
In Year 4 and 5 we aim for your child to mature emotionally, socially and feel confident but, above all, enjoy their time in Hazel Class.
What to expect in Year 4 and 5:
Year 4 at primary school (age 8–9) – Oxford Owl
Year 5 at primary school (age 9–10) – Oxford Owl
The School Day:
- Children should arrive on the junior playground at 8.50am. Registers will be taken promptly as soon as your child is in class. If your child arrives after this time, they should enter via the main school office.
- School finishes at 3:20pm
- Children wishing to be provided with a light snack at morning break should bring a healthy snack to school (no crisps or chocolate please).
P.E & Sport
On P.E days the children must wear their Millbrook P.E kit and black trainers/pumps.
Curriculum Knowledge and Progression Maps
- Reading books and reading records:Children should read each day for 10-15minutes and then their reading record should be signed by an adult. If children wish to complete additional reading try: Oxford Owl eBook Library | Oxford Owl for School
Reading books and records will be sent home daily. Please return reading books and reading records on a daily basis as we try to hear children read every day. Can you please make sure you sign and write how many pages your child has read.
Year 4 Recommended Reading List
Year 5 Recommended Reading List
- TTRockstars Children should practise timestables each day, for at least 5 minutes. They can use paper-based games, songs, or TTRockstars to consolidate their learning from school. It will automatically provide your child with personalised times tables that they need to master. This will help greatly with the Year 4 Mutiplication Tables Check.
- Maths: Children will have maths homework to complete each week. This will only be based upon what they have already learnt in school.
- Spellings: Children bring home their spellings home every Thursday and they will have a spelling test the following Thursday. Please support your child in practising these spellings until they feel confident.
All children will have the user details for any websites required. If they have lost or misplaced them, please inform a member of staff immediately so we can replace them.
Please inform the school office if your child is going to be off for any reason. Please don’t message teachers on Classdojo regarding your child’s absence.
Please see the Curriculum pages for what we will cover each term: Subject Progression using Curriculum Milestones – Millbrook Primary School (millbrookprimaryknowsley.co.uk)
The Y4 and Y5 Maths curriculum for this year for your child is below:
Here is a link to the White Rose Maths scheme that we follow in school. It will be really beneficial if you watch the videos to support your child’s learning at home. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete their homework successfully:
Times tables
It is a national expectation that all children know their times tables and corresponding division facts by the end of Year 4. To achieve that we will be really focussed on times tables this year. Children should primarily practice their times tables on TTRockstars because it has a structured approach, which ensures that children are not overloaded with learning new facts. However, should they wish to use other ways of learning them – such as other websites, practicing with adults/siblings, learning songs – we absolutely encourage that alongside the daily practice on TTRockstars. Here are other websites that your child can use:
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play
Multiplication Tables Check – 2025 –
Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe –
- https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd2f7nb/articles/zn2y7nb
- 1-minute maths app | White Rose Education
Tier 2 Words
Can you please spend some time each month discussing the vocabulary and asking your child to use dictionaries to find definitions. They could use the words in oral sentences or even write sentences using the words in context. This will widen children’s vocabulary so that they can access more difficult texts as they progress through primary into secondary education.
Why is Tier 2 vocabulary important?
The reading age of the average GCSE exam paper is 16 years and 3 months. This means that complex, Tier 2 language is embedded within the questions. However, one in three UK students don’t have the Tier 2 vocabulary required to access the language of their exam papers. This sets them back in every subject – how is a learner meant to demonstrate their knowledge of Maths or Science if they don’t have the language to understand the question?
Beyond the classroom, also, a rich knowledge of Tier 2 vocabulary allows learners to experience the world around them. A wide vocabulary gives learners the confidence to enjoy reading, a habit that has life-long benefits. As well as this, important life events such as job interviews, constructing a CV, writing an essay, even watching the news requires Tier 2 vocabulary. When we explicitly teach learners the ambitious language they need, we allow them to learn through literacy, for life.
Check out these amazing websites at home to help you continue your learning: